Friday, November 14, 2008

Camel Attack!

Last month, Julia and I attended a tumbling camp in Huntsville, Alabama. In our spare time, we visited Harmony Safari Park about 15 miles outside of town. It's a drive-thru "zoo" with llamas, reindeer, antelope, buffalo, a zebra (Julia's favorite animal), various tiny types of deer, rams with big horns, and a CRAZY camel. The owner tells you before you enter that the animals are not pets, they might bite, don't roll your windows down more than 8 inches, etc., etc. So, we buy a cup of food to give to the animals and head into the park in our rented car and we're really enjoying the cute animals and birds. But, we notice that the camel seems to be stalking us, so we keep the windows up for safety. The camel seems to really like our little car and starts rubbing his nose and mouth on the windows and the mirror and then stands in front of the car so that we can't move. But then, here comes the beautiful zebra! We manage to get away from the camel for a little while so that the zebra can visit. Of course, Julia rolls the window down to pet the sweet zebra, who sticks his head in to grab a bite of food from the cup which is sitting in the console. His neck wasn't quite long enough to reach the food, but he was really sweet and didn't seem to be aggressive, so we let him keep his head in the car. But suddenly--the crazy camel sees that the window is down and takes over! We did manage to finally get away from him, but he continued to keep his eye on us throughout our drive!


Kelly said...

This is too funny!!


The Miller Family said...

How funny! Camels are quite large when their heads are in your car, aren't they!

Katie Miller